
Get your money's worth is a co-op, so we have no overhead for shareholders or owners. That means your money goes further than is possible with traditional corporations.

15% co-op cut

Choosing means you get the maximum value for every dollar you spend.

  • Engineers keep majority of the rate
  • High project ownership by members
  • Small, vetted talent pool ensures quality
  • Best possible offshore engineering talent
  • Transparent and accurate estimates
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30 to 90% overhead

High rates and high margins makes it impossible for agencies to get you good value for your money.

  • Low cut of bill rate means no ownership
  • Bloated talent pools, high churn
  • No access to the best engineers globally


Co-Op Pricing Model's structure as a co-op means that all members are co-owners. This guarantees the best bang for our client's buck while allowing us to maintain higher engineering standards than any other organization.

Because every member is a co-owner, product ownership is higher than in agencies. The co-op's portfolio and reputation is in the hands of our members.
Fair Rates
Our competitors will bill you 200$/hr and pay their engineer 30$/hr. What quality of work can you expect in that situation?
Unbeatable Margin
Agencies need high margin for their shareholders. With us, you're able to get as close as possible "to the metal" of an engineer's bill rate without onboarding them.
High Quality
We don't have a "talent pool," we have co-op members, all of whom have been rigorously vetted.
The people estimating projects are the same people building them, allowing us to give highly accurate estimates.
Our engineers across the world are typically available for more competitive rates than local.
Being a co-owner comes with huge responsibility, meaning membership self-selects for highly independent, self-managed individuals.
The Best Team
Nobody can beat us on our margin on rate, and so we have the best offshore engineers in the world. Plain and simple.